Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eat Right 4 Your Type

I've been reading "Eat Right For Your Type" by Dr. Peter DÁdamo and it has some interesting advice regarding food choices, exercise, and how to deal with stress based on a person's blood type. 

At first, I was like, "Me? A meat eater?" I mean, I'm not vegetarian but I'm certainly not a meat lover either. As I read though, I began to ease up. I do enjoy fish, and all the fish I eat is listed in the allowed or beneficial columns. Something else he stressed was that the meat should be grass-fed and organic but I'm not too concerned about that at this point. 

Then I got to dairy. Minimal to restrictive dairy? I balked. 

Then nuts. Peanut butter acts as a poison to my blood type? WTH? 

And then finally in beverages. Steer clear of coffee and beer. Oh I was reeling by that point. I was fighting this logic. I've been drinking and eating those things for years with no problems! 

I didn't feel like doing the research to validate or refute his claims though. Then I got to the 'Common Questions' portion of the book. Basically, the level of intensity recommended for following this diet is in relation to how you feel. As long as I am not always tired, having indigestion, experiencing insomnia, noticing a lack of concentration, always feeling cold, or experiencing muscle and joint pain then I'm basically okay. Or if I start having medical problems (high cholesterol?). 

At this time, my only real symptom of my current diet is the high cholesterol. So while I will try to incorporate some of these guidelines into my diet, I don't think I'm to a point yet where I need to be strict about it. Should I eat cheese or yogurt every day? No. But I don't think the occasional casserole with cheese or the dish with cream sauce is going to break the bank at this point.

The exercise portion indicated that Type Os benefit from strenuous exercise and use physical exertion to relieve stress. Bingo! 

I copied a chart that someone online put together which hits the highlights of the food portion for Type Os.
Each of the food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial ( food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)

Characteristics of Type O - Best on High Protein Diet
  1. Thrive on intense physical exercise and animal proteins
  2. Do not do well with dairy and grain products
  3. Hardy digestive tract
  4. The leading factor in weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products.
  5. Type O have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone and unstable thyroid functions, which cause metabolic problems and weight gain.
  6. Type O have high stomach-acid content, can digest meat easily.

CommentsMost BeneficialFood allowedFood not allowed

The more stressful your job or demanding your exercise program, the higher the grade of protein you should eatBeef, Lam, Mutton, Veal, Venison

Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meats
Any meat except for those listed not allowedBacon, Ham, Goose, Pork
Cold-water fish are excellent for Type Os. Many seafoods are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates the thyroid function.Cod, herring, MackerelAny fish or seafood except for those listed not allowedBarracuda, Pickled herring, Catfish, Smoked salmon, Caviar, Octopus, Conch
DairyType Os need to severely restrict the use of dairy products and eggs
Butter, Farmer, Feta, Mozzarella, Goat cheese, Soy MilkAll other dairy products and yogurts
FatType Os respond well to oilsOlive Oil, Flaxseed oilCanola oil, Sesame OilCorn oil, Peanut oil, Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil
NutsThese foods should in no way take the place of high-protein meats, and they are high in fat especially if you are overweight.Pumpkin seeds, WalnutsAll kinds except those listed not allowedBrazil, Cashew, Peanut, Pistachios, Poppy Seeds
BeansType Os don't utilize beans particularly well. They tend to make muscle tissue slightly less acidic and inhibit the metabolism of other nutrients.Aduke beans, Azuki beans, Pinto beans, Black-eyed peasAll kinds except those listed not allowedBeans - copper, kidney, navy, tamarine. Lentils - domestic, green, red.
GrainsType Os do not tolerate whole wheat products at all.Essene Bread, Ezekiel BreadAmaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Rice, Kamut, Kasha, Millet, Rye, SpeltCorn, Gluten, Graham, Wheat (Bulgur, Durum, Sprouted, white and whole, Germ and Bran) farina, Oat, Seven-grains, or any products such as flour, bread and noodles made with these grain products

These vegetables inhibit the thyroid function for Type Os

Brassica family: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens
These vegetables help blood clot, Type Os lack several clotting fractors and need vitamin K to assist in the processKale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinach

These vegetables irritate the digestive tract and the high mold count can aggravate Type O hypersensitivity problems.

Alfalfa sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, fermented olives
These vegetables can cause arthritic conditions in Type Os

Nightshades: eggplant, potatoes
This vegetable affect the production of insulin, often lead to obesity and diabetes for the Type Os.

This fruit agglutinate all blood types but Type Os.

Artichoke, Chicory, Dandelion, Garlic, Horseradish, Kale, Leek, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Red Peppers, Sweet potatoes, Pumpkin, seaweed, turnipsAll kinds except those listed not allowedavocado

Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction the digestive tract, and therefore balance the high acidity of the Type Os digestive tract to reduce ulcers and irritations of the stomach lining.Plums, prunes, figs

These fruits contain high mold counts which can aggravate Type Os hypersensitivity problems (allergies)

Melons, cantaloupe, honeydew
These fruits are high in acid content which may irritate the acidic stomach of Type Os
Grapefruit, most berriesOranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, Rhubarb
Fruits are not only an important source of fiber, minerals and vitamins, but they can be an excellent alternative to bread and pasta for Type Os
All kinds except those listed not allowed
Type Os are extremely sensitive to this fruit.

coconut and coconut-containing products
Rich source of Iodine to regulate the thyroid glandKelp-based seasonings, iodized salt

Soothing to the digestive tracts of Type OsParsley, curry, cayenne pepper

Irritants to the Type O stomach

White and black pepper, vinegar, capers, cinnamon, Cornstarch, Corn syrup, Nutmeg, Vanilla

chocolate, honey, cocaoKetchup, pickles, mayonnaise, relish
Seltzer water, Club soda and teaWineBeer, Coffee, Distilled liquor, Black Tea

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