Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I apparently need to enter "Write Blog" into a schedule for the week. I recently decided to get back into the habit of a routine but "computer time" was not considered for the schedule of things to do each night. I don't know how long it takes others to write a decent post, but it takes me longer than an hour. Last month, an hour or more was not a problem because I wasn't doing anything besides sitting on the couch and ignoring our mess of a house. Now an hour seems unthinkable but breaking it up into pieces seems doable. I'll figure something out. When you notice regular posts you'll know that I've come up with a solution!

I have ideas pop into my head quite often of what to blog about but I don't write it down. I always think I'll remember but rarely do. Starting now, I will start noting those ideas in my phone for reference later.

The rest of September will be dedicated to creating a routine of housecleaning that becomes second nature. I'm already happier being in our house with the few things that I've started doing on a regular basis. I am looking forward to a clean house that can accept company at ANY time without worry of what our friends will think of our seemingly slovenly ways. I'm also looking forward to not going into marathon cleaning mode at the announcement of a surprise visit, but instead having the time to whip up a snack or beverage to offer when they get there. I'm using FlyLady to help me get back into that routine of cleaning since I've let it slide for so long that I can't just jump back into how I did it years ago.

Starting October 1st, I'll be posting every day because I'm participating in the second annual 31 Days of William Morris with Jules at Pancakes & French Fries.

William Morris' often quoted philosphy on interior design.

made a list earlier this year of all the things both Sweetie and I wanted done around the house that I have created as a page linked to the side bar on the right. Quite a bit on that list is "Organize" and "Purge". I'll do my best to make every entry as entertaining as possible, but let's face it: sometimes an organized junk drawer is just not that exciting to read about.

By October 31st, I fully expect every room in our house to be both useful and beautiful. As an additional challenge, I plan to do all 31 days without spending money on the projects. Craigslist will be our friend!

I think November would be a good month to start a different series. I'm leaning toward art or music - both of which are pieces of me that I've buried over the years and often reminisce about. Art could easily be another daily series. I'll have to think more about a music one. I have a few ideas (30 instruments, 30 songs, 30 scales, 30 techniques) but haven't wrapped my head around how to make a post about them. Maybe YouTube?

So yes, I've been distracted but as you can see that is going to change.

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